Sunday, December 27, 2009


lately this has how my routine of everday life has been
1. wake up
2. eat
3. Go along with the day with what it brings
4. talk to sky at 3est
5. go along with the day
6. eat
7. still going along with my day
8. call sky at bedtime and talk till about 12am EST
9. go to sleep

This is how it has been for the past 2 days
1. wake up
2. eat
3. go along with my day
4. Hopefully manage to talk to sky at 3
5. go with the day
6 eat
7still go with my day
9. Bedtime. cant call sky cause she's visiting...And therefore DO NOT fall asleep!

Once My body gets used to a routine. It follows it..which means i cant fall asleep till like 12am cause that would be the time i get off the phone!

You know your close buds when you cant get to sleep without talking to the other! haha!

Friday, December 25, 2009

~Merry Christmas~

To all and to all a(a hopefully SLEEPFILLED!) night!

Merry CHRIST-mas

Merry CHRIST-mas peoples!
hope Your CHRIST-mas is full of joy!

I know mine is.

So Merry CHRIST-mas from the Eastern half of the USA. :D
((btw its raining i didnt get a white CHRIST-mas I got a Grey one ))

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

ohayou gozaimasu!

Hey and Welcome!
Hope you enjoy your stay here at our blog! ((Which will probably contain some reallllly random stuff...just warning you..))
Be prepared to see layout changes and all this other stuff...cause...thats what happens when theres two people running one blog.

Oh and look out for the flying monkeys...

Vincent: Flying monkeys?
Me: yeah...long story...oh and the flying monkeys are spreading Christmas cheer..
Yuffie: Christmas cheer!?
me: YUFFIE!!
Vincent:*gulps and walks away*

Hello and Welcome from Sora!

Hello everyone, thanks for visiting! I just wanted to tell you about our little blog here.

Me and Ame share the blog, we're just two friends who share a lot of interests, we decided to open the blog just for fun. :D

Me and Ame are currently working on a book, it has no title, but we DO have a storyline here. Haha.
